Teaching Scholarships & Grants
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There are many scholarships and grants available for educators and those thinking of becoming educators. We have included details below on numerous scholarships that are offered in the United States. So, let's get started!
What is a Scholarship? What is a Grant?
In practice, the two terms are used interchangeably and generally mean the same thing today. However, you will often find that the terms are applied in different contexts. Often, a scholarship is given on the basis of merit - there will be qualifying criteria such as a GPA. A grant is a needs-based system where things such as social deprivation and income are used as qualifying factors. Sometimes, grants are used for professional development or improving and increasing skills of people who are already qualified.
Art Teacher Scholarships
Art is a talent that many people like to develop on their own. In some cases, young people are motivated and talented enough to make a career from art and design for other purposes - such as web design, cover art, and more. These scholarships help teachers achieve their goal in bringing out the best in their students, or to pursue art teaching themselves.
Learn more about becoming an art teacher. Many art teachers earn a degree in Secondary Education with an emphasis in art.
NAEF - Various Awards
The National Art Education Foundation is a large philanthropic organization dedicated to promoting good teaching practices and allowing people to enter into art education. They offer a number of grants and scholarships, among them are the Ruth Halvorsen Professional Development Grants, Mary McMullan Grants, NAEF Research Grants, SHIP Grants, and Teacher Incentive Grants. The monetary value varies depending on the grant applied for, so it is best to check the website and the application process for further details.
More information on grants and scholarship is available at the NAEA website. All applicants need to be a member of the Foundation in order to be eligible.

Haig and Janette Tashjian Art Teaching Scholarship
Available from the Western Michigan University, this scholarship is in recognition of excellence for art students who are in financial need - students will need to demonstrate this through the application process. The dollar value of the award varies, and it rotates between schools every second year. The award is limited to students who intend to go on to a career in teaching. You must be studying an art major for this, be in your junior or senior year, and must be nominated by the faculty. Click here for more details on the Haig and Janette Tashjian Art Teaching Scholarship.
GPA 3.5: or above
Deadline: 1st February in the year of awarding (2016, 2018, 2020...)

UMW Mary Baker Emerick Art Scholarships
This award from The University of Montana Western is for students of art. It is a fund set up in honor of Mary Baker Emerick and available only to female students who intend to study for a Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education while choosing art as their major. Alternatively, they can be studying a degree in Visual Arts with a focus or minors in art and crafts business and art therapy. The value of the award presently stands at $2000 and is awarded to up to ten individuals every year. Cick here for information on the UMW Mary Baker Emerick Art Scholarships.
GPA: 2.5 or above
Deadline: 1st March every year
College Educator Scholarships
In order to become a lecturer/professor at a college or university, you are going to need an advanced degree. In some cases, a Master's Degree will do, but increasingly, Doctorates are required for teaching and research roles. Here are just some of the funding programs you may use to fund your path towards a career as a college professor.
Learn more about becoming a college professor. Many college professors seek degrees in Adult Education or advanced degrees in their area of study.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid should be the first port of call for most students, but especially those looking to go onto post-graduate study. American colleges and universities will always need university level teachers and lecturers. The great thing about FAFSA is that there are very few restrictions to the program - each applicant is considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicants must be a US citizen, an eligible non-citizen (such as a permanent resident), and have a valid Social Security number. Funding is also dependent on "satisfactory" academic grades with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Click here for a full list of FAFSA requirements.
Fulbright Scholar Program
Fulbright offers a number of grants and scholarships to undergraduates and graduate students, with a particular focus on early career research, lecturing and funding the first post-doctoral research that would be vital to your college teaching career. In this case, you already need to have completed your doctoral degree - you cannot apply while you are still a student. They offer several funding paths: some are available only to women and ethnic minorities for example, and most are field-flexible meaning you can apply from almost any discipline. Click here for a full list of Fullbright Scholar Programs and eligibility.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
The HSF presently offers access to two separate scholarship programs. Their general program, which has run for many years, is available for people of Hispanic ethnicity from underprivileged backgrounds. It is not just for high school students looking to enter college, but also existing undergraduate and postgraduate students looking to further their studies and research - this includes doctorates with a view to carry on into teaching and researching at college. The value of the fund ranges from $500 to $5,000. You have a higher chance of acceptance if you are studying a STEM subject.
Requirements include:
- Minimum 3.0 GPA for High School Students
- Minimum 2.5GPA for college students (undergraduate and postgraduate).
- Completion of the FAFSA application
For other criteria and details, visit the Hispanic Scholarship Fund.

AICPA Fellowship
There is considered to be a lack of ethnic minorities in the accounting field. With that said, the AICPA Fellowship for Minority Doctoral Students focuses on increasing representation in the teaching of accounting and other financial subjects. This fellowship is available to ethnic minorities who are presently studying for a doctorate in finance and intend to devote their studies towards teaching the subject to others. You do not need to have gained acceptance onto a doctoral program. Applicants can also be awaiting a decision from a college. Also, applicants should be a member of or intend to apply to become a full member of the CPA. For more details, visit AICPA scholarships.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers
The ASME Fellowship seeks to address the critical shortage of engineers. ASME have set up this fund in an attempt to encourage the brightest and best young people (who might have otherwise felt hindered by costs) to apply to an essential field. Anyone can apply, but the selection process generally favors women and ethnic minorities. However, that's not to say you will receive automatic refusal for not being part of this demographic. The fund is available for those who intend to pursue engineering education as a career, so college professorships are ideal. Award value is $5,000. To see more details and apply, visit ASME engineering scholarships.

NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship
This education development fellowship seeks to improve education standards across all disciplines within our schools. With a value of $27,500, the fellowship is available to anyone who has proposed a research dissertation on how to improve education standards in the US. It is a highly competitive fellowship, with just 35 granted each year to an expected 600+ applicants. Applicants need not be US citizens, but should be candidates for a doctoral program at a US university. They need to have demonstrable experience of researching standards in education. For further details, visit the NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Program.
Deadline: 1st June every year
English Teacher Scholarships
Another essential area of education is the English language. Whether you have a passion for teaching the great works of literature to kids, or are more interested in linguistics (the mechanics and rules of language), there are many funds available for this highly important field.
Learn more about becoming an English teacher. Often times, English teachers earn degrees in Secondary Education or a Bachelor's in Education. Many English teachers even go on to earn a Master's Degree in Education in order to advance their careers.

Fulbright Awards
The Fulbright Awards offer a number of scholarship programs crossing many major fields so that American students can study and work abroad as part of their degree, and to get working experience. One of the most successful and best-known scholarship areas is the TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). Named in honor of J. William Fulbright, it provides funding for international relations through education. Applicants must be looking to study or work abroad as part of their education. For more information, visit Fulbright TEFL scholarships.

Gates Millennium Foundation
Though you may apply for the GMF to study for any major, it is most encouraging of those wishing to enter into education as a career (and therefore it is applicable to any degree type listed here). Set up by Bill Gates to enable the underprivileged into higher education, applicants must be an ethnic minority within the US and either a citizen, permanent resident or American National. It is a full scholarship fund that can be applied for undergraduate, postgraduate, or doctoral studies. You must have applied for the PELL grant to be eligible. For more information, visit the Gates Millennium Scholars Program.
Deadline: mid-January every year
GPA: 3.3

Edwyna Wheadon Training Scholarship Fund
It can be difficult to get funding for a postgraduate course, and teaching English is no exception. For those who wish to advance in their career to study a master's or other post-grad course, the EWTSF offers $500-1,000 annually to one applicant. Set up in honor of a woman who did much in her career to encourage advanced training for English teachers in her native Houston. The money goes directly to the institution. You must already be an English teacher at a publicly funded education establishment in order to apply and be a member of the NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English). For further information, please visit the Edwyna Wheadon Scholarship Fund page.
Deadline: 31st January (the same every year)
High School Teacher Scholarships
High school teaching is one of the most essential careers that anybody coming out of the college system can consider. Most roles require only an undergraduate degree, but if you wish to further your career with a higher pay scale and more responsibility, you should consider further study. The following list highlights some of the best scholarships and grants to anybody looking to enter into a career in high school education.
Learn more about becoming a high school teacher. Most high school teachers earn a degree in Secondary Education, Education, or even go on to earn a Master's Degree in Education.

Federal TEACH Grant
Though not limited to high school teaching, these federal grants and scholarships are available to undergraduates, graduate students, and those in post-baccalaureate programs associated with teaching. You must check that the program you are already on is eligible as a TEACH course or you may not be able to apply. It is worth up to $4,000 per year for each individual student with some adjustments made in the next few years. You are also bound by a number of conditions to teach in deprived schools, or in a high needs field for at least four of the eight years after receiving your grant. For further details, please visit the TEACH website.
Grade: Varies, but is typically the 75th percentile
Deadline: End of September, for 2015 it is the 30th

NILRR Applegate-Jackson-Parks Future Teacher Scholarship
Set up in honor of three Michigan teachers who refused to pay union fees (and were consequently fired for refusing to do so), this scholarship is for both undergraduates and graduates who have pursued or are pursuing a degree in education at an accredited and publicly funded institution. Approval is dependent on the applicant having a teaching license, or pending acceptance of said license. You will be expected to write a mini essay on the subject of voluntary unionism and the problems of compulsory unionism. The fund will go directly to the education establishment upon approval. For further criteria and to apply, visit the Applegate-Jackson-Parks Future Teacher Scholarship application page.
Deadline: December 31st every year.

James Madison Graduate Fellowship
It's important that High School students understand the importance of the US Constitution, its history and context, its meaning, and why it is so important to the country's laws.
The James Madison Graduate Fellowship is a fund set up in honor of the fourth president for people who wish to teach about the Constitution in our high schools. It has a value of $24,000 and is limited to one person, per state, per year. Therefore, the only competition you will have will be other people in your state applying for the fund. More information on the foundation and their fellowship, visit the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation.

Minority Teaching Fellows
This Tennessee specific fund is for ethnic minorities in the state who are an eligible US citizen or permanent resident and who wishes to pursue a career in post-secondary education. It is for a flat $5000 fund going to a single selected candidate every year. Applicants will be required to write a statement titled "Why I chose teaching as a profession" with a limit of 250 words along with a number of other selection criteria. To check the details on eligibility of this fellowship, please visit the Minority Teaching Fellows Program.
GPA: minimum 2.75
Kindergarten Teacher Scholarships
The earliest years of our childhood are vital for setting up the rest of our educational years. This is where we learn to socialize, develop thinking skills, and much more. It's important that we have teachers willing and able to teach children during the formative years of schooling. If you want to become a kindergarten teacher, you will need to have earned at least a Bachelor's Degree. The following grants and scholarships will help you achieve that.
Learn more about becoming a Kindergarten teacher. To become a Kindergarten teacher, most will earn an Elementary Education Degree, a Bachelor's Degree in Education, or even a Master's Degree in Education.

Sol Hirsch Education Fund
Children are curious about the world around us from an early age. The Sol Hirsch Education Fund is a grant for teachers of children of all ages who wish to improve their teaching of the understanding of weather. The grant is worth $750 and you must already be in teaching position. The money may be used for professional development, learning materials, and anything else that may help towards teaching children about the importance of weather systems and their importance. For more information, review the Sol Hirsch Education Fund Grants.
Deadline: 1st June every year.

Nancy Larson Foundation
This scholarship is designed specifically for college and university students training to become elementary school teachers. You can apply whether you are a junior, senior, or graduate student wishing to teach the youngest among us. Nancy Larson herself is famous for having written a number of math and science textbooks, but this found can be applied for teaching any subject. The value of each scholarship is $1,000 and it has only a short application window from 1st of October to 15th of November. For more information, visit Nancy Larson Foundation College Scholarship.
Middle School Teacher Scholarships
The importance of middle school should not be underestimated. This is where children will begin to understand their academic strengths and weaknesses. A middle school teacher's job is to encourage and aid them to make the best of their strengths and weaknesses. Here they will develop social skills as well as begin the basics of subjects they will go on to study in greater depth at high school. Becoming a middle school teacher is an honorable choice.
Learn more about becoming a middle school teacher. Many middle school teacher first seek to earn a Secondary Education Degree, Bachelor's in Education, or even go on to earn their Master's in Education Degree.

NCTM Equity in Mathematics Grant
If you're already a middle school teacher, then you may wish to apply for this $8,000 grant to help improve math standards. The class must have been recorded as underachieving in grades 6-8 and can be for an individual teacher or a group of teachers wishing to improve standards in their school. Applicants must be a full member of the NCTM and will be required to write a 2,000 word proposal in order to be considered. All activities to improve math standards in the class or school should aim to be completed within one year. For further details, visit NCTM.

AFCEA Educational Foundation STEM Scholarship
Encouraging interest in science and technology from an early age is a vital step in securing the future of America's competitiveness on the world stage. To that end, AFCEA offers an annual scholarship for high school and college students who are seeking a career in science and technology (and other STEM subjects) with a goal to teach middle school students. The scholarship is valued at $5,000. In addition, an extra candidate is selected for the special MG Eugene C Remzi award. This too is worth $5,000. For further information, visit AFCEA STEM Majors Scholarships for Undergraduate Students.
GPA: 3.5 from an accredited college or university.

NFB Blind's Scholarship Program
Blindness is no barrier to teaching. To that end, the National Foundation for the Blind has made available 30 scholarships for those who wish to pursue a career in teaching. The value of the scholarship is anything between $3,000 and $12,000, and will go towards education that will lead to a teaching career at middle or high school. Applicants must be blind in both eyes and a resident of the US, District of Colombia, or Puerto Rico. Winning candidates will also be expected to take part in all NFB activities for its national convention. Complete details are here at the NFB website.
Deadline: end of March every year

Lewis & Clark MAT Teaching Scholarships
The Graduate School of Education and Teaching offers a number of scholarship programs for its students, among them are funds for student counseling as well as middle school teaching of specific and general subjects. They range from $500 to $6,000. Candidates must be a student of the university, or recently had an application accepted. Anybody wishing to apply for this scholarship must already have applied for the FAFSA scheme in order to be considered. For a full list of their scholarships and details on how to apply, visit the Teacher Education MAT Program.
Deadline: December 1st of every year
Music Teacher Scholarships
Schooling and education are not just about producing the scientists, linguists, and business leaders of tomorrow. Many prefer to pursue an education path that allows them to explore a vocation such as music or art & design. We need technology engineers of tomorrow, but we also need musicians. The arts are great for tourism and for developing our culture. If you wish to pursue a vocation in music teaching, these scholarships can help you do that.
Learn more about becoming a music teacher. A lot of music teachers earn a Secondary Education Degree with an emphasis in music.

Sigma Alpha Iota Music Fraternity Scholarships
This is an international body allowing students to get together to discuss their love of music and holds a convention every three years to conduct business. SAI offer a number of scholarship programs - some of which are dedicated to enabling students or prospective students to enter into a career as a music teacher. They offer annual awards of $1,000-$5,000 depending on the subject and level of study, and during convention years (every third year) offer an extra set of scholarships. For a full list of their scholarships and grants, and for further details on the application process, visit Sigma Alpha Iota Music Fraternity Scholarship Grant Program.

Suzuki Association of the Americas
The SAA is an association dedicated to teaching music to children using the Shinichi Suzuki Method. It encourages and helps children to learn through the right learning environment. To that end, the SAA offers several scholarships to its members who intend to use the money to apply the method in their teaching, and be pursuing a career in music education. Your membership of the SAA must be older than three months prior to the application, a statement of financial need and letters from professionals and a recommendation from a trainer. For more details on how to apply, and for values of their many programs, review SAA Teacher Development scholarships.

UNT College of Music Scholarships
The University of North Texas has an impressive music scholarship program that are designed with a career in teaching in mind that lead to certification in music teaching. Whether you wish to teach vocal music or instruments, you can apply for one of their seven scholarship programs. You must already be a student at the university. For further details and to apply, visit their official named scholarships.

American Music Therapy Association
A growing body of evidence has shown the usefulness of music therapy as a form of personal development and for coping with the stresses of modern life for some people. To encourage more professional musicians to enter into teaching music therapy, the AMTA provides several scholarships annually for undergraduates, postgraduates and people already working in the music therapy profession. Some of their scholarships require nomination by the institution, not by the individual student - and only for AMTA approved faculty members. For further information about all their programs, go to Edwina Eustis Dick Scholarship for Music Therapy Interns.
Preschool Teacher Scholarships
Pre-school are the earliest years of schooling - focusing more on personal development, play and socializing in order that children get used to being around each other. Rarely any academic schooling as such, it prepares children for the years ahead. You will certainly need a high school diploma - preferably at least an associate's degree. Generally though, a bachelor's degree is required if you wish to work in public schools.
Learn more about becoming a Preschool teacher. Preschool teachers often earn degrees in Child Development or Early Childhood Education.

The Association of American Educators is a general scholarship and grant fund dedicated to the improvement of education standards all over the country. There are few specific criteria that you need in order to apply for this fund - they are just as likely to give money to a pre-school teacher for a project as they are to give to a high school student applying for money to do a degree in education. Those who are already members of AAEF are preferred. Most individual scholarships and funds are worth a maximum of $500. For more information on the AAEF and on their funding opportunities, please visit AAEF National Scholarship and Grant Program.

Bright Horizons - Bright Futures Scholarship
The Bright Horizons Scholarship Program is one of only a few dedicated to training and encouraging the next generation of early childhood teachers. Applicants need to provide proof of their academic excellence, write a short essay in support of their application and provide multiple strong references. Finally, you must demonstrate potential as a teacher of under 8s (the age limit against which your education degree should apply). Typically, the value of the award is between $250 and $1000; any scholarship over the value of $600 are sent directly to the college. For further details of eligibility, go to Bright Futures Scholarship.
GPA: minimum 3.0

TEACH Early Childhood
The TEACH scholarships and grants are the most extensive Federal programs presently available. Knowing how important it is to get early education years right, they have made available one Early Childhood scholarship available for each state. The money is to be used against earning an Associates Degree or other accredited program to improve the standards of preschool education. One applicant is chosen per state, For further details, please visit the TEACH website.
Grade: Varies, but is typically the 75th percentile.
Deadline: End of September, for 2015 it is the 30th

Preschool Development Grants
This is a competition applied for by preschools to aid in the development of their education programs. The money should be used to develop preschool programs and the infrastructure to enable high-quality preschool services to the children who attend. Secondly, so that the establishment can develop high-quality preschool programs in low and moderate income family areas. There is no upper limit to the grant value; in 2014, recipients received over $224m between them. Fore more information on the grants, read the Preschool Development Grants information sheet.
School Administrator Scholarships
Educational Administration is as important as teaching - somebody needs to carry out the daily tasks, outreach, student administration, program organizing, field trips and so on in order that a school or college runs smoothly. It can be a thankless task requiring professional skills and qualifications. Here are some scholarships and grants that might help you achieve your qualifications in educational administration. Most jobs require a master's degree in administration.
Learn more about becoming a school administrator. School administrators often earn degrees in one of the following: Educational Administration, Master's in Education, or Doctorate in Education.

TKE Scholarships
Tau Kappa Epsilon is one of the country's largest fraternities. In order to apply for their available scholarships, you must already be a member and studying at a college or university. More than that though, you must be an active member and demonstrated leadership and prominence within your chapter of the fraternity. You will be expected to provide a transcript of recent grades and a photograph in support of your application. Many of their scholarships can apply to any degree, but some are specific to administration and education. Value of the award varies depending on a variety of factors. For the full list of scholarships and details on applications, visit TKE's Grand Chapter Scholarships.

WMU Scholarship in Education Leadership
Western Michigan University has several scholarships available for their students that can be applied against Education Administration and Education Leadership courses. Amongst them are Robert O. Brinkerhoff Endowed Scholarship for organizational learning (must be pursuing a Master's Degree in Organizational Learning and Performance) and the Van E. Cooley Memorial Scholarship for educational leadership (applications are accepted only from students of Department of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology). Review the full details for the Educational Leadership, Research and Technology scholarships.
GPA: for the Robert O. Brinkerhoff Award, students must have a GPA of 3.0 or above. For the Van E. Cooley, the grade must be 3.5 or above.

CSDIW Scholarships
The Continental Society Daughters of Indian Wars is a group dedicated to strengthening ties and preserving the records of Native American descendants. As part of a wider scheme to encourage and aid education, they have a single scholarship worth $5000. Any woman over the age of 16 who can prove lineage may join; only members can apply for the scholarship. Applicants can be studying any education related course (including administration) or social service as an undergraduate. A letter of statement of financial need is required. Learn more at CSDIW.
GPA: minimum 3.0
Deadline: 15th June every year
School Librarian Scholarships
Books are an essential part of civilization and an essential part of the education system. Being a modern librarian requires a wide range of skills particularly in organization and cataloging. A love of books is also essential, as does knowledge in more than one key area. If working in a book archive is for you, then you may wish to look at these scholarships and grants to help you achieve that goal. Most librarian careers expect a master's degree.
Learn more about becoming a school librarian or earning a Library Science degree.

ALA Scholarships
The American Library Association is the largest organization in the country for librarians. As one of the oldest in the world, they have a long tradition in helping people enter into the field as a career. They also have one of the most extensive scholarship programs with many different awards. Some are for general application, and some are set aside for people from low-income families, ethnic minorities and so on. They also have subject specific scholarships and grants for those who wish to train and specialize. Their scholarships are not limited to the US either - Canadian citizens are also eligible for some programs. GPA varies from scholarship to scholarship so check the ALA site for details.

ACRL Scholarships
The Association of College and Research Libraries is a division of the ALA (above) dedicated to librarian who work or want to work in the education and research sector. Knowing that having good academic librarians is a must for selecting books for our schools and colleges, the ACRL have made available a number of scholarships and grants for librarians who are still in the early part of their career. The Early Career Librarian Scholarship is for librarians already working in the field (but with less than six years of experience) to develop professionally - particularly amongst minorities and other disadvantaged groups. There are 120 scholarships available, valued at $385 with an extra $250 for traveling expenses to reach the annual conference. For further details, visit the ACRL scholarship program.

AALL George A. Strait Minority Scholarship
The American Association of Law Libraries makes available a number of scholarships to college graduate students who are a) part of an ethnic minority as defined by government guidelines and b) have significant law library experience that could lead to a career as a librarian and c) are at an accredited law school or library. Candidates need a transcript from the college that granted their most recent degree, three letters of personal recommendation and a personal statement amongst other things. Value of the award varies every year. For further details on this scholarship and other programs, visit George A. Strait Scholarship & Fellows.

SAA Scholarships
Archiving includes libraries, but it also includes any system of storage of documents and material, and their cataloging in order that an interested audience can search and access them. For those who want to work in a more specific niche, the SAA are one of the country's major organizations dedicated to indexing, storing and preserving the nation's important book, evidence, historical records and other vital collections. Some of the country's top universities (particularly in the medical sector and in anthropology) have important archives. The SAA have three scholarships. F. Gerald Ham and Elsie Ham Scholarship is worth $10,000 and is for the post-graduate archival education of second year undergraduate students. The Mosaic Scholarship is for ethnic minorities (scholarship value varies). For details, visit SAA scholarships to apply.
Science Teacher Scholarships
It is a widely recognized fact that the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and math) is one area where we have a shortage of graduates. Those that do tend to go into research or industry, fewer into education. To this end, a number of government and private scholarships are available to improve provision in our high schools and colleges.
Learn more about becoming a science teacher. Science teachers often earn a degree in Secondary Education with an emphasis in Science. Many even go on to earn a Master's Degree in Education.

NSF Robert Noyce Scholarships
The National Science Foundation is the country's largest science education organization. The Robert Noyce Scholarships seek to readdress the balance of a lack of science education at lower levels by offering a $10,000 annual scholarship to encourage STEM graduates and professionals to consider teaching as a career option rather than research and development or other commercial or industrial applications. Encouraging interest in science at an early age is key to producing the STEM graduates of the future. More information is available at the National Science Foundation website.

KSTF Fellowship
Another organization looking to improve the standard of STEM teaching at an earlier age is the Knowles Science Teaching Foundation. Instead of scholarships, they offer a number of early career fellowships to aspiring STEM teachers based on three criteria:
- Potential to develop content for teaching
- Potential to develop teaching practices
- Potential to develop outstanding teaching qualities
The fellowships are practical programs to help the brightest and best not just financially, but also developing practical skills in an educational workplace. Candidates need to demonstrate a commitment to a long-term career in teaching, leadership skills and have graduated in a relevant subject. The award is based on achievement and promise, not on financial need. Award value varies and includes grants and development funds. For more information, visit the KSTF fellowship section of their website.

NYS Math & Science Teaching Incentive Scholarship
This scholarship is in place in the state of New York in order to encourage science and math graduates to enter into teaching those subjects to grades 7-12. In order to be eligible, you must be enrolled in a college in New York State (High School Students are not eligible) and not receiving scholarships from any other program - especially those that might commit you to conditions of receipt (to work in a certain school or field). Undergraduates and postgraduates are equally eligible. Maximum value of the grant is $6,195. For more information, visit NYS Math & Science Teaching Incentive Program.
Deadline: 31st January every year
GPA: 2.5 or higher

The Mikkelson Foundation
Some funds require that you already be in a teaching position in order to qualify; this is one of them. The scholarship for teachers provides money for extra training for teachers wishing to increase the breadth and depth of their knowledge. Eligible subjects are the core STEM subjects of science, technology, engineering and math - to improve what is a vital field with a skills shortage in the US. Its aim is to improve science education amongst teachers to impart greater knowledge amongst children. For more information on whether you are eligible and to apply, check the Mikkelson Foundation website.
Biology Teacher Scholarships
Biology is one of the core "hard" sciences that help us to understand the natural world. Every year, new biology graduates are needed in the medical field, in environmental research, biotech and much more. Encouraging understanding of biological sciences such as evolution from an early age can ensure an adequate supply of graduates in this important field.
Learn more about becoming a biology teacher. Biology teachers often earn a degree in Secondary Education with an emphasis in Biology. Many even go on to earn a Master's Degree in Education.

NABT Scholarships and Awards
National Association of Biology Teachers is dedicated to excellence in teaching biology in school. They offer several scholarships, some aimed at students and others aimed at those who are already teaching biology for a living but wish to apply for funding to further develop their methods, skills and knowledge. The BELS (Biology Educator Leadership Scholarship) is such a fund for biology teaching professionals who are members of NABT and enrolled (or already studying) a master's or doctorate. Maximum award value for the BELS is $5000. To check various programs and deadlines, refer to the NABT Awards Information.
Deadline: Varies, but most (unless stated) are typically mid-April

Oklahoma Future Teacher Scholarship
Residents of Oklahoma who may be studying key shortage subjects and wish to teach it as a career (most STEM, including biology) may be eligible for the Future Teacher Scholarship. Unlike most scholarships, the student cannot apply for the fund - instead, their education establishment must nominate them for consideration. Upon graduation, you are bound by the decision to teach the shortage subject within the state of Oklahoma. The value of the awards depends on a number of criteria including the length of the study course. For further details, visit Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.
GPA: Maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA throughout matriculation

NOAA Scholarships
Looking at the science from the perspective of ocean science (including biology), their scholarship programs encourage undergraduates and graduates in getting hands on experience. They have a number of fellowships and scholarships available for anyone with an interest and strong aptitude in ocean sciences. The Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship, for example, is worth up to $8000 (it does not have a set amount, but this is the upper limit) and is for 2nd and 3rd year students in relevant disciplines looking to go on into any career in ocean sciences. For more information, visit the NOAA scholarship programs.
Deadline: Applications between June and September every year
FASEB Excellence in Science Awards
The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology rewards one woman every year on a number of criteria including scientific achievement, excellence in teaching (at post doctoral and undergraduate levels) and contributions to the scientific community. Evidence will include details of excellence, research papers, biography and supporting statements. Award recipients will receive a cash prize and funds. They will also get to present an Excellence In Science Award Lecture at the annual meeting of a FASEB member society of their choice. For more information, see FASEB's Excellence in Science Awards.
Deadline: Nominations for the 2023 award cycle will be accepted between October 10 - December 12. 2022.
Elementary Teacher Scholarships
Elementary school teachers need to know about a wide range of subjects in order to teach the basics to the children who study under them. Having a broad knowledge is advantageous so if you feel that teaching is your strength rather than any one subject, you may find a rewarding career in this area. Here are a few scholarships that may help you develop along these lines. Particularly, elementary school teachers in low income areas are in short supply.
Learn more about becoming an elementary school teacher. Elementary school teachers often earn degrees in the following: Elementary Education, Education, Child Development, or Early Childhood Education. Earning a Master's Degree in Education can also lead to becoming an elementary school teacher.

AKA Educational Advancement Scholarships
The Sorority House has a number of scholarships, some education specific, for which members may apply to aid their degree in education. They pride themselves on improving education and it represents one of their prime outreach programs. Some are needs based, some are merit based. None have an upper limit value. Applicants need to be a member of the group and already enrolled on a relevant degree course; it will also help your application if you have engaged in leadership and promoting the house. For further details, visit AKA EAF scholarships.
GPA: 3.0 (merit based); 2.5 (need based)
Deadline: mid-April every year

DAR Scholarships
Daughters of the American Revolution offer a number of scholarships pertaining to education - elementary, middle and high school options. Specific to elementary school teaching is the Edward G. and Helen A. Borgens Elementary and Secondary Teacher Education Scholarships. Each year, two students are chosen for a one-off scholarship of $1500 (one for elementary school, one for secondary education). Applicant must be a college sophomore or high school graduate looking to enter into education. More information, including details on other scholarships, visit DAR scholarships.
GPA: 3.5

Z-NEF Education Program
Like most Sorority organizations, Zeta Phi Beta has a number of scholarships covering most educational areas. Of particularly interests to students and graduates of Elementary Education, is the Isabel M. Herson Scholarship in Education. Valued at between $500 and $1000, applicants need not be members of the House but should provide proof of their enrollment. Selection is based on academic merit. Three letters of recommendation are required including. For further details, please visit National Education Foundation Scholarships.
- One from college professor
- Minister of Community Leader
- From the graduate Zeta Chapter in support of your application (if the applicant is a member)
ESL Teacher Scholarships
Teaching English as a second language works twofold - firstly for encouraging first generation immigrants to America to fully integrate and make themselves employable in their new home, allowing the full benefit of living here. Secondly, working abroad and teaching English as a foreign language can be an enriching experience and help you in your teaching career.
Learn more about becoming an ESL teacher. Many ESL teachers earn a Bachelor's Degree in Education.

TESOL International
The international organization dedicated to helping learners to become fluent in English, and allowing teachers to expand their career in teaching English as a second language, have several scholarships and grants available. Some are dedicated to teaching and others are more for researching teaching methods. The Ruth Crymes TESOL Fellowship, for example, is a $1500 fellowship awarded to one member every year researching classroom application. Applicants must be a member of TESOL Intl, should produce a statement and brief essay in support of their application; fellowship is awarded on the basis of financial need and project merit. Deadline is 1st November every year. For more details and to apply, visit TESOL Access Awards, Grants and Scholarships.

Jaqueline Ross TOEFL Dissertation Award
ETS are another international education organization dedicated to improving education standards the world over. Their TOEFL dissertation award grants $2,500 to one Doctoral student every year whose dissertation is on the subject of second or foreign language testing standards. Part of the award will be compensation for accommodation and travel fees for traveling to the ceremony to collect the award. Candidates may be studying outside the US and is applicable only against eligible doctoral programs. For full details, visit Jacqueline Ross TOEFL® Dissertation Award.

Bureau of Education Exchange Program
Not a scholarship or grant, but a government organized exchange program (and therefore more like a fellowship), invites highly experience individuals in the areas of TEFL and TESOL to apply for a 10-month program. Here, they will learn a wide range of extra skills including: Classroom Teaching, Curriculum Development, Program Evaluation, Needs Assessment and much more. Applicants must be a US Citizen with a master's degree in TESOL and with practical ESL/EFL classroom experience. See more details at the English Language Fellow Program.
History Teacher Scholarships
The teaching of history in any country is integral to understanding its culture and laws; this is why it is considered so important to every country around the world and why it is vital to have history teachers at all grades teaching all topics related to history.
Learn more about become a history teacher. History teachers often earn a Bachelor's Degree in Education or Secondary Education with an emphasis in History/Social Studies.

James Madison Memorial Foundation
The JMMF makes available a number of set bursaries for the research and teaching of US history. Fellowship value is anything up to $24,000 which - where granted - is spread over two years. Applicants must be US citizens and either a teacher or planning to become a teacher of American history or government or social studies, of children aged 7-12. The coursework should concern the US Constitution considerably, and the applicant must be graduates of certain (designated) subjects. For a full list, see their eligibility page.

American Historical Society Grants
As the country's largest organization dedicated to research and teaching standards of history across the US, the AHA offers a number of research grants to members. They are to be used for research that is already in progress, not for starting academic projects - for travel fees, borrowing from libraries and archives and other research expenses. Only members are permitted to apply for the grants. Though the value of the grant varies, no member is entitled to more than $1000 from the AHA in a five year period. For a full list of AHA grants, visit AHA Grants and Fellowships.

AFSCME Member Scholarships
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is one of the largest unions in the country today. As part of their outreach programs and perks, they have a list of scholarships available to members and their families who wish to study certain relevant degree programs. Though most of their scholarships can be applied against any education subject, there is one specifically for social sciences such as history. The Jerry Clark Memorial Scholarship, worth $5,000 for the two chosen applicants, includes the opportunity to intern with the Union. For further details, visit the AFSCME Member Scholarships dedicated page.
GPA: 2.5 or above

Catherine W. Pierce Scholarship
One of the many United Negro College Fund scholarships, this $5,000 value scholarship is for black students of history, American Studies, art and other social sciences such as anthropology. Students must be enrolled at an accredited university and studying a four-year course. Application should be supported by an academic transcript. For further details, visit the Catherine W. Pierce Scholarship website.
GPA: 2.5
Deadline: Usually late June

Samuel Eliot Morison Naval History Scholarship
This $5,000 scholarship is available only to full commissioned naval officers who wish to retrain to teaching naval history in an American school. This niche area is important to understanding America's maritime history, particularly of its military. The Officer must already have a degree and be actively studying or pursuing further education such as a Master's Degree. A copy of the university transcript is required, as is a 500-word supporting statement. To see the full terms and to apply, visit the Naval History and Heritage Grants and Fellowships page.
Deadline: end of April every year
Math Teacher Scholarships
Mathematics is one of the most important subjects to teach in our schools and universities. As one of the STEM subjects, it is a recognized graduate shortage area even though we all use it every day. Advanced math is vital to the other hard sciences. Thinking of pursuing a career in math? Here are some scholarships for which you may be eligible.
Learn more about becoming a math teacher. To become a math teacher, many earn Bachelor's Degrees in Education or Secondary Education with an emphasis in mathematics. Earning a Master's Degree in Education will also allow you to become a math teacher.

NCTM - Various
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has a full range of grants, scholarships, awards and funds for the improvement of math quality in schools. Amongst them are the Connecting Math to Other Subject Areas - to develop teaching materials and methods that promote the study of the subject and encourage children to understand its importance. This particular grant is valued at $4,000. For their full list, visit the NCTM dedicated grants page.

National Merit Scholarship Program
Offering a number of scholarships, but particularly in STEM subjects, this organization rewards academic excellence in high school students looking to go to college and university to train as math teachers and as an applied science. In order to be eligible, a student must take the preliminary SAT, the result of which will form part of the application process. They must also be planning to enroll at college the same fall season of the year of application and be either a US Citizen or qualifying Permanent Resident. The standard Merit Scholarship is worth $2,500 but they have other programs with varying amounts. Deadlines vary so check the website for NMSC individual program details.

AAUW Selected Scholarships
To encourage women to enter into what are traditionally male-dominated fields (and especially STEM), the American Association of University Women makes available scholarships worth $25,000 for women applying for or already studying master's degrees in select subjects. In addition, they have other scholarships available only to women of color to enter into business and law. Applicants must be US Citizens are Permanent Residents. For further details, visit AAUW Fellowships and Grants.
Deadline: mid-January every year

Math for America Fellowship
MfA is one the country's largest math teaching organizations. Their mission is to help make teaching a viable, rewarding, and respected career choice for the best minds in science and mathematics. Currently, there are three fellowship opportunities offered through MfA. The fellowships are for new and experienced math and science teachers and leaders. For more details, visit MfA Fellowships.
Montessori Teacher Scholarships
A relatively new development in teaching methods respecting the individual psychological and sociological needs of the student, there are bursaries, scholarships and grants available to teachers wishing to explore this method of student-teacher interaction. It is advisable first to try the two largest organizations before looking elsewhere.
Learn more about becoming a Montessori teacher.

Association Montessori International USA
At present, they offer the MES Fund and school sponsorships. The school sponsorship program is set up to provide training for members wishing to train as a Montessori teacher - inquire directly with the listed schools to see eligibility. The major funding program (MES) was set up in honor of Margaret Elizabeth Stephenson who dedicated her life to promoting the method. Applicant musts be a US citizen or permanent resident and planning on taking up study at an AMI training center located in the USA and have a demonstrable financial need. Priority will be given to candidates who already have a teaching degree and have taught or worked at an AMI school. For further information about the fund, visit AMI's dedicated page on financial aid resources.
Deadline: mid-May every year

American Montessori Society
AMS is the largest Montessori organization in the USA. Every year, they make available a number of scholarships to people who are already on, have been accepted to, or has an application pending for an AMS affiliated program or school. Applicants are chosen on the basis of financial need, and chosen from a strict set of criteria that includes a personal statement, three recommendations and verification of the candidates attendance or application to an official affiliated program. Value is $1,000 (each) given to three candidates every year from existing funds. For more details on all their scholarships, please visit Montessori Teacher Education Scholarships.
Deadline: 1st May every year

Montessori Schools of Massachusetts
The MSM network, being a representative body in the state, has made available a single scholarship worth $3,000 to one select student every year. The selected applicant must be applying for, or has already been accepted to, a registered course affiliated with the AMI or MACTE (Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education) in Massachusetts. Selection is made largely on the basis of financial need, but you will be expected to also demonstrate a commitment to the Montessori Method. Check GS Memorial Scholarship for how you can apply.
Deadline: mid March every year
Physical Education Teacher Scholarships
If there is one class that divides children, it's physical education. Some love to get outside and play team sports while others dislike it. It takes a good PE teacher to actively encourage children of all ages to take part, get fit and enjoy being active. In the past, it didn't necessarily take qualifications for this but with competitive sports being a big part of school extra-curricular activities, you now need qualifications. Here are some scholarships to help you achieve that.
Learn more about becoming a physical education teacher. A lot of PE teachers earn a degree in Secondary Education with an emphasis in physical education. Many PE teachers also go on to earn an advanced Master's Degree in Education.

SHAPE America
The Society of Health and Physical Educators have three scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students looking to enter into physical education teaching as a career. For the Ruth Abernathy Presidential Award, the value is $1,250 (undergrad) and $1,750 (postgrad) and a complementary three-year membership to SHAPE. A separate scholarship (The Cooley Scholarship) is worth $1,000 and eligible for master's students only. All scholarships require a supporting statement and proof of enrollment. Other requirements vary depending on the scholarship program. The Bill Kane Scholarship is also valued at $1,000 and for undergraduate students only. Not only scholarships, but they also offer grants for qualified teachers and researchers seeking to improve fitness of young people. For full details on SHAPE America scholarships and grants available, visit their Grants and Scholarships page.
GPA: 3.0 minimum
Deadline: mid-October

CANFIT Scholarships
CANFIT is a non-profit organization that prides itself on providing a bridge between communities and decision makers particularly relating to areas such as fitness and nutrition. Based in California, their funds are available to ethnic minorities on an accredited degree or postgraduate degree program in the state. Selection is made on the basis of financial need (primarily) and checks will be made to ensure that the funds have gone towards the cost of tuition. Dollar value varies depending on need and availability. For full details and to apply, visit CANFIT Scholarships.
GPA: 3.0 or higher
Deadline: End of March every year

FAMU Scholarships
The prestigious black university in Florida has several scholarships available to its students studying programs at the HPER Department. Amongst them are the Robert "Pete" Griffen & Hansel Tooke Scholarship rewarding Physical Education majors and outstanding athletes representing the school (worth $1,500), the Costa Kittle Award (worth $1,000 also for athletes and physical education majors - applicants judged on sporting merit) and the Althea Gibson Award in honor of the Wimbledon and US Open winner (worth $1,500). Each are judged on academic and sporting merits to evaluate eligibility. For more details and to apply, visit Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Scholarships.
GPA: 2.5 (Robert "Pete" Griffen & Hansel Tooke Scholarship, and Costa Kittle Award). 3.5 (Althea Gibson)
Deadline: 1st June (all scholarships)

Tobin Sorenson Physical Education Scholarship
Available to members of Pi Lambda Theta, this scholarship is for undergraduate and postgraduate students intending to pursue a career in the physical education of children grades K-12. The scholarship is worth $1,000 and is sent directly to the accredited institution at which the student is presently studying or about to commence a program of education. Candidate must display leadership qualities and extracurricular activities in sports and physical education. For more information, visit Pi Lambda Theta.
Deadline: 1st April every year
GPA: 3.5
Principal & Secretary Scholarships
To become a school principal takes more than becoming a teacher and rising through the ranks - it takes more than being a great school administrator. It's not a career for everyone and that's why it takes specialist training after serving as a teacher. Take a look at the scholarships and grants below to help you become a school principal.
Learn more about becoming a school principal, becoming a vice principal, or becoming a school secretary. In many cases, school principals have a Doctorate in Education or Educational Administration.

Larry Graham Aspiring Principal Scholarship
Offered by the Alaska Association of Secondary Principals (AASP) it is named after a former School Principal who did much during his life to promote the importance of having qualified, dedicated people in the role. Applicants must already be enrolled on the Alaska Type B Administrative Certificate to be eligible to apply for this $1,500 scholarship. Applicants must also supply a personal statement on why they wish to become a school principal. For more details, visit Alaska Principals Foundation (APF) Aspiring Principal Scholarships.
Deadline: early October

AASA Education Administration Scholarship
The American Association of School Administrators is the leading educational administration organization in the USA. It honors and aids graduate students to achieve an administration role in a school or college - including for those wishing to train to be school principals and secretaries. It is one of the country's oldest scholarship awards having been founded in 1949. The value of the award is $2,500 per successful applicant who will be given up to $500 as a travel bursary to go to the award ceremony to collect the scholarship. They also have other scholarships and awards. For further details and to apply, visit AASA's Educational Administration Scholarships.

Business Professionals of America Scholarship
The BPA offer scholarships to certain administration students, but only if the college or other education institution has affiliated with the BPA. There is a set list of criteria - for example you must be studying one of the defined courses which include most finance, business and public administration programs at any accredited college in those states. There are three scholarships available with the first chosen receiving $3,000, the second receiving $2,500 and the third $2,000. You must also be a member of the BPA. For more details, scholarship opportunities available to members of Business Professionals of America.
GPA: varies by institution - check if your college is eligible
Deadline: mid-March every year
School Counselor Scholarships
Therapy and counseling can be a difficult yet rewarding job. Some children go through difficulty at an early age - whether problems in their parents' marriage or with their academic work. Schools need counselors as much as they need teachers and administrators. If you feel your calling is in this direction, then look at these scholarships to help you counsel young people.
Learn more about becoming a school counselor.

American Psychological Association
The APA is the country's largest psychology organization offering many scholarships relating to training in counseling and psychology, and helping people research and develop treatments for a variety of mental illnesses. Amongst them are a number for child psychology and those for people wishing to provide counseling services to young people. The Jacqueline Ann Morris is an annual fund for teachers looking to improve mental health in their elementary or middle school. Maximum value of $4,500 annually. For further details, visit APA's Scholarships and Grants.
Deadline: mid-January every year

National Association of School Psychologists
The largest group in the USA dedicated to providing training and information to school psychologists, have several scholarships and grant programs available for applicants wishing to enter into school counseling / psychology as a career. Amongst them are the Minority Scholarship Program available to lower financial barriers to ethnic minority students wishing to enter into a career as a school psychologist. The scholarship is valued at $5,000 and applicants must be members of NASP, a US citizen and enrolled at a NASP approved institution. For more information, refer to NASP Awards, Scholarships, and Grants.
GPA: 3.0
Special Education Teacher Scholarships
Special education teaching takes a special kind of teacher. Teaching children with special needs - whether that be learning difficulties such as dyslexia, or children with learning disabilities such as neurological or physical disability, it can be rewarding but presents a different kind of challenge. Because there is a shortage of such teachers, there are special grants and scholarships available.
Learn more about becoming a special education teacher and earning a Special Education Degree.

Dr. Marc Hull Special Education Leadership Scholarship
Available to residents of Vermont, this $1,750 scholarship is available to students pursuing a career as an administrator of special needs education services. The institution of attendance must be Federally approved Title IV funding (Pell and TEACH grants). Applicants must be seeking application of certification or license of special education administration and provide a letter of recommendation and references. For more details, see VSAC-Assisted Scholarships.
GPA: 3.0
Deadline: early March

Federal TEACH Grant
Not limited to teaching kids with special needs, extra consideration is given to those students at undergraduate and graduate level who intend to teach children and young adults with special education needs. The grant is worth up to $4,000 every year and special conditions are placed on recipients such as that they are contractually bound to teach in a US school for a certain number of years (usually in a socially deprived area). There are no limits to who can apply. More information and application is on the TEACH Teaching Scholarships webpage.
Grade: factors vary, but typically anyone in or above the 75th percentile will be prioritized.
Deadline: End of September

Indiana Minority Teacher/Special Services Scholarship
Available only to minority students living in the state of Indiana, applicants must already have applied for FAFSA to be eligible, and the commission must receive a copy of this. You may already be studying an accredited education course or have received an offer of a place to study at a relevant education establishment and a US citizen or eligible non-citizen (such as a permanent resident). Scholarship is also limited to those who will teach at an accredited school upon graduation. For more details, see the Indiana Commission for Higher Education William A Crawford Minority Teacher Scholarships.
GPA: 2.0 minimum
Deadline: early September
More Scholarships
PDK Educational Foundation Scholarship
The PDK Educational Foundation awards scholarships every year across all PDK International membership categories. They offer one-time and renewable awards with the award amount ranging from$500 - $4,000. Find out more by visiting the PDK Educational Foundation Scholarship Program.
Deadline: Beginning of April
William A Crawford Minority Teacher Scholarship
This scholarship is for minority students (defined as Black and Hispanic/Latinx individuals) who after graduating plan to teach at an accredited Indiana school. Students must agree that once hired they teach for at least three years in Indiana. You can find out more at the Indiana Commision for Higher Education.
Deadline: August 31st
Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teacher
This scholarship is open to students who are currently enrolled in, or plan to participate at a Charles Butt Foundation Raising Texas Teachers partner university. The Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers offers scholarships of up to $8,000 - $10,000 per year. Other unique benefits from this opportunity is professional development opportunities and mentorship among others. Find out more about the Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers.
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority
This scholarship opportunity offers financial aid to students in Kentucky who are pursuing teacher certification at participating Kentucky colleges. This award can be up to $2,500 per semesters. You can find more details at the KHEAA Teacher Scholarship Program.
Deadline: May 1st
Milwaukee Area Teachers Scholarship
This scholarship offers financial aid in the form of one-half tuition scholarships for three credits per term, or 1.5 credits. The Milwaukee Area Teachers Scholarship is for teachers that are employed as an elementary or secondary teacher in the Milwaukee area. To find out more details visit Milwaukee Area Teachers Scholarships.
Deadline to Apply: Fall Semester is February 14, Spring Semster is November 15, and summer session is April 15
NYS Math & Science Teaching Incentive Program
This incentive program is offered in hopes to encourage students to pursue a career as a math or science teacher in secondary education. Students can be attending school at an undergraduate and/or graduate degree level. In exchange for this incentive, you will need to work as a full-time math or science teacher in secondary education in NYS. Find out more about the NYS Math & Science Teaching Incentive Program.