About Us

About Teacher.org

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What We Offer

Teachers stick together, and for good reason. Who else but other teachers could understand what it's like to spend your days in the classroom preparing young learners for the world that awaits, and your free time planning lessons and scrawling notes in the margins of worksheets and essays, thinking only about how to word the feedback gently enough to encourage students to try again, and to keep trying till they get it.

To be a teacher is to always put students first, and yourself second. Here at Teacher.org, we work to give anybody selfless enough, dedicated enough, and brave enough for this job a place to learn, grow and interact with other teachers.

Whether you're an aspiring teacher looking to get into the profession, or a veteran educator looking to get through the day, Teacher.org has something for you.

Our Mission

Our mission is to inform, empower, and encourage aspiring, new, and veteran teachers.

Our Contributors

Teacher.org is a website for teachers by teachers. The dedicated contributors who have made this website possible bring the same level of passion and dedication to this project as they bring to their classrooms each day.

Mary McLaughlin

Mary has always loved learning, but was a struggling learner who couldn't read until one day, the right teacher came along with the right methodology, and everything clicked for Mary. Understanding the struggles of children who just "don't get it," Mary has spent her career supporting children with learning difficulties and finding ways to excite them about education. Over her career, Mary has taught Second Grade, Third Grade, and served as a Middle School Administrator in Michigan, most often in the urban setting. In 2015, Mary relocated to Arkansas in search of new opportunities and is excited at all that has been placed before her. She currently teaches Special Education in a self-contained setting for children in grades 2-4.

Amy Konen

Amy Konen

Amy Konen is a Nationally Board Certified elementary teacher. As a 24-year veteran teacher in public schools, Amy has taught grades 1-5, literacy, and most recently, worked as a behavior support specialist and coach. She also continues her mentoring work for future National Board certification candidates throughout the state of Montana. Amy earned her Master's degree in reading and literacy and in 2000, was the recipient in elementary math of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). In 2014, BNSF (Burlington Northern Santa Fe) selected Amy as the Teacher of the Year for Great Falls, Montana. She started the first and only Sensory Room in Great Falls Public Schools to provide behavior and socio-emotional support for all students in her elementary school. Amy believes in the power of relationships to inspire students to grow, learn, have courage, and be kind.

Jon Konen

Jon Konen

Jon Konen is a father, husband, K-6 elementary principal, and freelance writer in Great Falls, Montana. He has taught most all grade levels K-6, and has been a K-12 principal of a rural school. As a 5th grade teacher in 2010, he won the Presidential Award for Elementary Math and Science Teaching (PAEMST). As a principal, his school won the 2012 Blue Ribbon Award. In 2018, he won the National Distinguished Principal Award (NDP). He is the author of two guides, An Educator's Guide to Combat Bullying & Bully Prevention and Teacher Evaluation: A Transition Guide to Exemplary Performance. He has authored a children's picture book that will be released in October, 2018 titled, Principal Reads and Benjamin's Visit to the Office…Not the First!

Michelle Areaux

Michelle Areaux

Michelle Areaux was born in Nicholasville, KY where she currently resides with her husband Anthony, and sons Connor and Cooper. She attended the University of Kentucky where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in Education and Asbury University where she earned her Master of Arts. Currently, Michelle is a middle school language arts teacher at Edythe Jones Hayes Middle School in Lexington, Kentucky and an avid reader. Her first novel, Wicked Cries, motivated her to continue writing and publishing novels for both young adult and new adult audiences.


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