Ozone Layer

Jacqui DeKlerk

Students will think about how people affect the environment and what they can do to help it and prevent further damage.

Grade Level: 3 - 6th


Length of Time: 1-2 Class Periods

Objectives & Outcomes

The learners will realise that their actions can negatively affect their environment. They will understand what and where the ozone layer is and why it is being damaged.

Materials Needed

  • computer with internet/projector
  • notebooks
  • pieces of trash


Opening to Lesson

  • (During recess/before the lesson collect some trash, some plastic bags, coke cans, sweet packets, etc)
  • Throw the trash on the floor, in front of the students.
  • Ask them: what they think of this action? Is this an acceptable action to do in class? What would happen if we all threw all our trash on the classroom floor everyday, and never picked any of it up? Do they throw trash on the floor in their own homes, bedrooms? What would happen if their pets were to eat some of the trash, get sick and die? How would they feel?
  • Allow the students to think about these questions, and then share with each other their thoughts and feelings.

Body of Lesson

Guided Practice

  • Introduce the ozone layer.
  • Students will watch a video to understand what this is and how we can damage it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKrPd-8CJBM.
  • In their notebook they will draw the Earth, and then another circle to show where the ozone layer is. Then draw a sun with the sun’s ray heading towards the earth. They need to show how the ozone layer protects the earth from the harmful sun rays.

More Practice

  • Show students a video about climate change: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa58h4IJ6Hk
  • Play the video once, then play it again pausing every few moments to ask students what is happening? What do those skulls mean? What damage do cars and factories cause to the environment? What’s happening to the thermometer? What changes were done in the end? etc

Writing Activity

  • Students will think and write about how their actions can affect someone else’s life, and this includes how animals are affected by trash.
  • They must also write about what they can personally do (no matter how big or small the action) to protect the environment and prevent any further damage.
  • For example: if we burn wood, or have huge factories, we can destroy the ozone layer on the other side of the world.
  • Ask them to think about their own country/city:  If someone upstream throws trash into the river- where does that trash end up?  Who is ultimately affected?
  • If people upstream don’t care about the environment, the trash they throw on the floor or into rivers and ends up at the coast and in the sea. This makes the water that you swim in dirty and disgusting, and destroys the delicate ecosystems.


  • Give students a piece of cardboard.
  • Using colored crayons or markers, students will write one short sentence of one action that can be done to help the environment, or one fact relating to how we are destroying our beautiful planet.
  • Place these signs around the classroom, or the school.
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Assessment & Evaluation

The writing activity will show whether or not the student grasps the fact that their actions affects others, and that they have the power to change the world- through small actions.

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