Theater in Action

Kathryn Gregory
Multiple Subject Teacher

Students will write and perform a scene from the story, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Grade Level: 4 - 6th


Length of Time: About 2 Class Periods

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Objectives & Outcomes

Students will apply processes and skills in acting, directing, designing, and scriptwriting to create informal theatre and to perform in it. Students will collaborate as an actor and scriptwriter in creating the informal theatrical performance.

Materials Needed

  •’s summary of Alice in Wonderland (attached)
  • Individual scenes from Alice in Wonderland (attached)
  • Pencil
  • Paper


Opening to Lesson

  • Watch a video or read a picture book of the story, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
  • Read, as a class, the summary of the story, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Body of Lesson

  • Explain to the students that they will be recreating the story of Alice in Wonderland, but that each group will create one scene, and then the class will perform the entire play.
  • Tell the students that they can have creativity in the scene, it does not need to be exactly like it is in a movie they’ve seen or in the summary they are given, they should be creative with their writing and make it interesting.
    • For example, each scene is relatively short and may only have 2 characters. The students can create more roles by having 2 Alices, or 2 caterpillars, etc…
  • Teacher will divide students into groups of 4 or 5 and give them a slip of paper with a scene from the story.
  • Post the list of directions on the board for students to follow. Students work in groups to complete these tasks.
    • Read the summary aloud in your group.
    • Discuss how the scene is portrayed in the video or in another movie you have seen.
    • How many characters are there in the scene?
    • Each student in your group needs to have a speaking role. What characters can you double or add so that there are enough roles for each student? (A narrator can be used).
    • Discuss how you will make this an interesting scene.
    • Write a script that includes dialogue for each character.
    • Practice acting out the scene.
    • Be prepared to perform!
  • The teacher should monitor groups closely and help them if they are having writer’s block.
  • When all students have developed their scene, they class performs the final product!


Students can write a summary of the play as performed by the class. Surely it will be quite different than the original story!

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Assessment & Evaluation

Students will perform their scene in front of the class and the teacher will assess their dialogue and collaboration.

Modification & Differentiation

The teacher can work with students in small groups for those who need extra assistance.

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