12th Grade Lessons

In this section, you will find great lesson plans for 12 grade instruction. These lessons have been brought to you by the talented teachers in our Teacher.org community - real life teachers with actual experience. We will continue to grow the 12th grade lesson plan section as teachers submit their work. We applaud you for your dedication to your students.

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12th Grade Arts Lesson Plans

Fairy Tale Fun

Length of Time: Varies depending on grade level and depth of project

In this performing arts lesson, students will rewrite a well-known fairy tale to include a great deal of dialogue and then act out that fairy tale (creation of props is optional as is taping the performance).

Flash Mob Fun

Length of Time: Several Class Periods

In this performing arts lesson, students will work together with a purpose to create and choreograph a dance for a flash mob to make an announcement for the school.

Musical Masterpiece

Length of Time: 45-60 Minutes

In this visual arts lesson, learners will express emotion through painting, as elicited by music.

Painter's Tape Art

Length of Time: 40 minutes to 2 hours depending on grade level

This lesson will allow students to practice creating art by marking off what will not be painted. This requires planning prior to mixing the first color.

Paper Mache Zoo

Length of Time: Varies depending on grade level and depth of project

In this visual arts lesson, students will create zoo animals (or any animals) using paper mache. The ‘zoo’ can be displayed in the classroom or in a localized area of the school.


Length of Time: Several Class Periods

This visual arts lesson will allow students to get creative while practicing with either photography or videography. Students will also have to consider perspective from things outside themselves. Rubric included.  

Upside Down Art

Length of Time: 20 minutes to 2 hours depending on grade level

This lesson will allow students to practice creating art from a unique perspective while learning about Michelangelo.

Video Diary

Length of Time: 30 Minutes a Day for Several Weeks

In this performing arts lesson, students will work to create a short video diary to showcase the import parts of their life and edit the video into a 5 minute or less montage using EZVid or similar program.

12th Grade English/Language Arts Lesson Plans

Hyperbole and Paradox

Length of Time: About 2 Class Periods

Using Internet resources the students find definitions and examples of hyperboles and paradox, and then create their own to share with peers, and identify their use in a current reading selection.

12th Grade Environmental Lesson Plans

Better Alternatives

Length of Time: 2-3 Class Periods

The students, with a partner, will research the negative environmental impact of every day products and identify safer alternatives.

Eco-Friendly Homes

Length of Time: 3-4 Class Periods

The student will work in groups of three or four to design an eco-friendly home.

Environmental Impact Studies

Length of Time: 3-4 Class Periods

Pairs of students will do an environmental impact study for local development near the school or another area.

Ocean Pollution

Length of Time: 2 Class Periods

Students will research ocean pollution and compare/contrast current data, hypotheses and other information and check for accuracy.

Two Sides of an Issue

Length of Time: About 2 - 3 Class Periods

A controversial issue, such as global warming, will be researched using the vast resources of the Internet.  The students will research both sides, either supporting or disputing the facts, opinions, and other information.

12th Grade Math Lesson Plans

Charity Begins at School

Length of Time: 3-4 Class Periods

Pairs of students will design, plan, and create an imaginary fundraiser for a charitable organization.

Natural Disaster Planning and Equations

Length of Time: About Three Class Periods

For a natural disaster there are many variables to be accounted for when planning help for an area.  This lesson will give students the opportunity to create a natural disaster plan for a part of their country.

12th Grade P.E. Lesson Plans

Multi-Ball Basketball

Length of Time: 1 or 2 Class Periods

The student will participate in a game of basketball using various sizes of available balls.

Music Movement

Length of Time: 1 class period

The students will move to the music based on its beat, words, tune, and other variables.

The New PE Class

Length of Time: 2-3 Class Periods

The students will create a PE activity to share and demonstrate to peers.

12th Grade Science Lesson Plans

Better Alternatives

Length of Time: 2-3 Class Periods

The students, with a partner, will research the negative environmental impact of every day products and identify safer alternatives.

Eco-Friendly Homes

Length of Time: 3-4 Class Periods

The student will work in groups of three or four to design an eco-friendly home.

Environmental Impact Studies

Length of Time: 3-4 Class Periods

Pairs of students will do an environmental impact study for local development near the school or another area.

Ocean Pollution

Length of Time: 2 Class Periods

Students will research ocean pollution and compare/contrast current data, hypotheses and other information and check for accuracy.

Two Sides of an Issue

Length of Time: About 2 - 3 Class Periods

A controversial issue, such as global warming, will be researched using the vast resources of the Internet.  The students will research both sides, either supporting or disputing the facts, opinions, and other information.

12th Grade Social Studies Lesson Plans

Mini Debates

Length of Time: About 2 Class Periods

Each student will be assigned, or may choose, an historical figure to research, selecting a speech given by the figure, and then write a rebuttal challenging some of its content backed by facts.

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