Fairy Tale Fun

A. Wills
Multiple Subject Teacher

In this performing arts lesson, students will rewrite a well-known fairy tale to include a great deal of dialogue and then act out that fairy tale (creation of props is optional as is taping the performance).

Grade Level: 5 - 12th


Length of Time: Varies Depending on Grade Level and Depth of Project

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Objectives & Outcomes

Learners will be able to demonstrate both writing skills in creating dialogue as well as performing arts skills through acting out the newly rewritten fairy tale.

Materials Needed

  • Copies of age appropriate fairy tales
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Materials for props (optional)
  • Video camera (optional)


Opening to Lesson

Begin by reading a short fairy tale to students. Explain that fairy tales have been around for many years and several have been made into movies and plays. To do this the stories have to have more dialogue added and often a few basic details are also altered. Tell students that over the next few hours/days, they will become both writers and actors.

Body of Lesson

  • Have students choose a familiar fairy tale in groups of 5 to 7, depending on which tale is chosen.
  • Have students work to rewrite the fairy tale, telling the story through dialogue, not just as a story.
  • After stories have been rewritten have students act out the ‘new’ plays.
  • If time permits allow students to create props and costumes.
  • You can also videotape/record the performance.


Allow students to watch themselves on film and critique the performance based on the provided rubric (This should be in conjunction with the teacher’s grade).

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Assessment & Evaluation

Students will be graded based on the enclosed rubric which may be altered as needed.

Modification & Differentiation

Students will be working in groups so many modifications should not be needed. Teacher can always scaffold the directions so that multiple learners can comprehend.

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