Bugs and Design

Brittany Zae

This lesson is designed to help students use their skills to analyze art elements and various principles of design.

Grade Level: 1 - 3rd


Length of Time: About 45 Minites

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Objectives & Outcomes

Students will be able to identify symmetry in nature.

Materials Needed

  • geometric shapes (tangrams)
  • mirrors (for whole class or pairs)
  • construction paper
  • oil pastels
  • watercolors
  • tempera paints
  • example of finished BIG BUGS


Opening to Lesson

  • Think-Pair-Share: Show pictures of different things that have symmetry, then pictures of things in nature that have symmetry. “What do you notice about these things?”
  • Think-Pair-Share your thoughts with your partner: Students should answer that they look the same on both sides. Symmetry-having exactly the same thing on both sides, mirror image. Line of symmetry- the imaginary line that you can draw to show the mirror image of an item that has symmetry

Body of Lesson

Direct Teaching

The teacher will use a student to help demonstrate Symmetry: “Look at ____. Humans are mostly Symmetrical. We can draw an imaginary line down a human and see that both sides are the same.” (take masking tape and place on the forehead of the student down to the floor to demonstrate a line of symmetry).

Guided Practice 1

PARTNER A/B: the teacher will show how the geometric shapes she placed on the table will turn into a full symmetrical object with the use of a mirror. Then have students use their own geometric shapes to create a pattern/image then use their individual mirrors to see the mirror image.

Guided Practice 2

The teacher will create a BIG BUG using symmetry: Students will watch the first 2 steps then continue to create their own big bug. The teacher will fold the construction paper vertically, then draw only half the bug with black oil pastel crayon, then fold the paper over and rub the sides together. This will create a mirror image on the other side.

Students will then create their own BIG BUG by following these steps

Independent Practice

Students will paint their BIG BUG’s using tempera and/or water colors to create a symmetrical pattern on their bugs. (Remind students that symmetry means it looks the same on both sides so their painting should have the same pattern on both sides of the bug).


Ask volunteers to ask debrief questions:

  1. What did you learn today?
  2. who asked a good question/contributed to today’s lesson?
  3. what did you like about today’s activity?
  4. how can we make it better next time?
  5. how can we use this outside of the classroom? or why is this important to the world outside our classroom?
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Assessment & Evaluation

Through guided questions, close monitoring and informal observation; the teacher will be able to assess student’s ability and understanding of the subject being introduced. Through individually assessing during independent practice and reviewing during guided practice the teacher will be able to evaluate students.

Modification & Differentiation

Students may work in groups or individually in order to complete their assignments. In order to accommodate for all students, allow extra time to review for lower students and extra worksheets to occupy the time of advanced students.

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